After months of our Miracle Valley Oasis Center team working hard with friends and succeeding in helping the Miracle Valley Bible College property be successfully saved from demolition by Cochise County, it’s time for us to purchase!

This historic property was established and built by A. A. Allen, the ancestor of many of our team members and a key figure in American and Christian history. In the 1950’s-60’s this property was an integral part in helping start the civil rights movement and aided Allen in being a key leader in the Healing Revival of the era which swept the country and beyond.

Cochise County have announced they will have an open auction to sell the 37.68 acres containing land on which the historic “Tabernacle” church building, cafeteria, healing rooms, classrooms, library/study hall, dorms, apartments and more are located.

Facts about the property to be purchased:

    • This property is located at the heart of Miracle Valley, Arizona between Bisbee and Sierra Vista.
    • Included are 37.68 acres with all the key historic buildings being sold “as is”.
    • Our professional consultants and team have estimated it will take $23M to fully restore.
    • Asbestos abatement and lead paint removal is required by new owners and estimated to cost over $1M.
    • The Arizona State Historic Preservation Officer has deemed the property to be eligible for listing in the Arizona and National Registers of Historic Places and is currently in the process of being nominated. This brings a fresh responsibility to new owners who take on the property which we are fully capable of.

Facts about the auction:

    • The auction bidding will take place online in an “open bidding” process.
    • The auction will start Sept 11, 2023 and close Sept 22, 2023.
    • This property was deeded to the State of Arizona after being taken from the previous purchaser due to $572,162.30 in back taxes.
    • When Cochise County took possession of the property on behalf of the State of Arizona, they “wiped/forgave” all back taxes and liens in preparation for selling at auction free and clear of debt.
    • The starting bid will be $325,000 and the property assessed value is $1,208,969.00.

About Miracle Valley Oasis Center:

We have a passion to see the historic Miracle Valley property used by God. As several on our team are direct descendants of A. A. Allen who founded the town and grew his globally renown ministry there, we cannot imagine who else would pour the same love and attention into protecting, preserving and re-purposing this legendary piece of cultural and spiritual heritage for today and future generations.

We have in our team contractors, finance and business advisors, historians, ministers and more including A. A. Allen’s son Paul Allen and grandson Steve Allen, as well as Steve’s daughter Rebekah (Allen) Jones with her husband Dan. We firmly believe that A. A. Allen had 250 staff at the property for a reason… this is greater than a few people – it requires the Body working together for God’s purposes.

Responsibility, accountability and transparency are core values we take seriously. That is why we have a fully compliant and accountable nonprofit with a board, advisory committee and ambassadors. Nothing great can be achieved alone. As part of our transparency initiative, we provide a quarterly financial report to our donors.

Miracle Valley Oasis Center is a church operating in Arizona under 26 U.S. Code § 508. According to this code and IRS Publication 1828 (Rev. 8-2015), all donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes to the extent permitted by law. Our compliance as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity under Section 508(c)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code has been externally tested and verified.

 Next Steps:

This property is the legacy of all those who call on the name of Jesus. It’s something we can all share in together. We look forward to inviting you to the property and sharing in the restoration and operation of all God has in store! But first… we need your help to purchase it!

Please partner with us for another miracle in Miracle Valley! The date has been set. Now is the time to sit with God, ask him how you can help, and join us in purchasing and restoring this property for the coming season.

Be A Founding Partner:

    • Give your most generous gift.
    • Start a fundraiser.
    • Talk to your network of people and spread the word!

If you have questions, be sure you’re on our email list, we will have a live Q&A recorded soon!

*Image photographer unknown.

Miracle Valley Oasis Center