Help us build and restore with a one-time donation!

Your donation will enable us to continue our vital work, thank you!

We’re currently focusing our efforts on acquiring the historic A. A. Allen Miracle Valley Training Center property, to restore it for God’s purposes and mandate today! 

We empower people to make a positive impact on the world, by providing facilities and resources which help them connect and grow with God and each other. Together we can make an impact!

As a thank you for your one time gift, we’ll email you a rare photo signed by evangelist A. A. Allen (from the Allen family collection). We’ll also keep you informed about the impact your gift has made!

Tabernacle Render

Why Make A One-Time Donation?

Never under-estimate the power of a one-time gift! Every contribution makes a difference.

  • You can help acquire historic revival property and get it restored to be used for God’s glory once again!
  • You can enable vital revival archives to be saved and made available for future generations to learn from!
  • You can help build a thriving church that will open in Miracle Valley, Arizona!
  • You can support outreaches to impact the community and region!

Be A Monthly Oasis Partner

Our Monthly Oasis Partners are an essential part of the ministry. It is the steady stream of income from Monthly Partners that allows us to plan and prepare for projects.

Other Ways To Give

Did you know you can leave a legacy when you sow non-cash gifts into the kingdom? You can give assets such as stocks, cars, real estate, wills and more.

Miracle Valley Oasis Center