Yesterday the historic Miracle Valley property founded by evangelist A. A. Allen in 1958, went up for sale. On October 4, 2024 the auction will finish. God spoke to me as the great-granddaughter of A. A. Allen in December 2022 and told me it’s time to take the land and recover all. We’ve saved the property from demolition four times since then and the County have spent over $251,000 in tax payers money preparing the place for new ownership.
I want to ask you to benefit yourself by reading this incredible article by my great-grandfather sharing “The Miracle of Miracle Valley” [how it all began], published in the March 1958 Miracle Magazine just weeks after Miracle Valley was founded, and the follow up “Progress Report” published in the same magazine. The key take-away is not the incredible history, or the speed at which God ignited the work of the ministry in God’s Valley, though these are good. I want you to pay attention to the incredible blessings that were poured out on those who sowed seed to make Miracle Valley become a reality.
The Bible shows us there are four types of giving:
- Tithes (obedience)
- First Fruits (obedience)
- Alms (compassion)
- Seed (faith)
When we give tithes and first fruits, we’re giving God what is His out of obedience. When we give alms, God honors our compassion by returning to us what we’ve given out so we may continue to give to those in need.
When we give a seed, it’s the only kind of giving which requires faith. When we sow seed into a ministry or work of God, it’s like the seeds of an apple tree, we do not know how many apples the seed will produce once it is sown, but we know the harvest is surely plentiful! We step past obedience and act with faith when we sow seed and the eternal reward is far beyond what we can imagine!
As you read this re-published story, be encouraged in your faith and if God prompts you to partner with us for the work of His ministry, sow with expectation for the harvest will be plentiful!
A personal message published in the March 1958 Miracle Magazine by evangelist A. A. Allen. You’ll be encouraged in your faith at the blessings poured out not only for the ministry but on those who gave to support the vision!
A. A. Allen writes…
It began in the first morning prayer meeting at the great Phoenix Camp January 1, 1958. About 160 had come at 8:30 a.m. to pray. At the close of this meeting I felt led to have them all stand and pray for something that had been on my heart for three years.
I said, “For some time now, I have felt the Lord wanted us to open a great place where people, old and young alike, with the call of God upon their lives could come for either a short term or longer periods of training; a Center that will instruct, prepare and equip them and be instrumental in thrusting them forth or sending them out into the fields which can only be reaped with a “miracle” sickle! – A place that could be self supporting for those who have no financial support; a place where all the food consumed by students can be raised and even enough extra to put on the market for sale, which will help the students work their way through school.
“This will not be just another Bible school. There are enough seminaries already that spend most of their class room periods discussing and discoursing about what God is no longer doing. When our Training Center is erected and in operation, we can expect at least 2,500 for the opening semester. Our biggest problem will be screening out those who do not mean business with God.”
Immediately, through prophecy, God began to speak and declare that such a place was in God’s mind, and that it would become a reality in this meeting. God spoke further of how His blessing would be upon the school and that he had selected the place Himself, and would prosper and bless all who would give and help make it’s success possible.
Ridiculed in “Pentecostal” Bible School
The group rejoiced as they prayed and the Glory of God came on the scene. Young people in their late teens and early twenties stood and, with tears stream- ing down their faces, told of how they had been pray- ing for such a school. One promising young minister —just 21, told how he had to quit one “so-called” Pentecostal Bible school because of the ridicule and persecution received for the stand he had taken on holiness, prayer, fasting and signs and wonders. The young man wept as he told of the ungodliness he had encountered in the school he had attended and how it broke his heart to find that, in a Pentecostal school, he could no longer believe in (without persecution and ridicule) what the Bible teaches.
Need of Christian High School
A mother stood and said, weeping, “please add a Christian high school, too, so that young people can stay saved as they go to high school.” She then told how her own daughter had back-slidden because of the ungodliness in the class-room, including drinking beer, among the teen agers!
Up until this time, no one had been told one of the greatest stories of God’s leading and directing I have ever been told. For four years this story had been shut up ni a man’s heart, just awaiting God’s time.
God Had Already Begun to Work
Only four years before this date, a young rancher, named Urbane Leindecker, drove into his drive-way in a pick-up truck. He had just returned from church where he had been filled with the Holy Ghost and, as he sat there enjoying the presence of the Lord and the beauty of the night, a voice spoke saying, “Son, from this place the Gospel shall go out to all the world, for as the stars in number above you, so shall be the number of them who shall go from this valley to the four corners of the earth with wonders, signs and miracles. Lo! from the far away places they shall come to this valley to be instructed and taught of my way; and from here they shall go to take to the world my deliverance!”
Two years from that night, while Mr. Leindecker was attending one of our earlier tent revivals in Phoenix, God again spoke to him and told him “I want you to give this ranch to Brother Allen for my glory.” Not knowing God’s plan and what God had laid on my heart, Mr. Leindecker could not understand what we would do with the acreage, or how we could use the large 1,280 acre ranch. He tried to sell the ranch, thinking that perhaps it was God’s will for him to so dispose of it and send the money to us to use for our revival campaigns in the furtherance of the Gospel.
One time it seemed certain that he would sell the ranch but, as the buyer started to sign the papers, he lost his eyesight and knew that it was God’s hand against the transaction. Therefore, Mr. Leindecker waited until after all of us had prayed in that first prayer meeting under the prayer-tent; then, being moved of the Spirit, Mr. Leigndecker came to me and said, “Brother Allen, God told me to give you my ranch to build that Training Center on.”
The next morning at 3:30 we were in our car on the way to look at the acreage. How beautiful it was! – two square miles along Highway 92. Little was said in the campaign except that God’s people should pray about it. Four days later, the deeds were placed on record in the name of A. A. Allen Revivals, Inc.
$1,000.00 and Bakery!
As I spoke this, a man from Atlanta, Georgia, Mr. Carroll, was already coming down the aisle holding in his hand a check. That check was for one thaousand dollars! This had taken less that three (3) minutes. Things then began to really move! When I told the congregation that among this herd was a young Black Angus bull, out of a $40,000 prize winning sire, an intensified interest was manifested.
In addition to the above, this same Mr. Carroll spoke of the need of a bakery in such a place and voluntarily promised to equip a modern bakery at the Center, as soon as a building was ready.
Gave $500.00 – Oil Royalties Increased
Another friend, from North Dakota, Bro. Weedeman, gave a second check for $500.00. I took his hand and asked God to return his gift many fold. He has since written us that his oil royalty checks have increased far beyond his expectations.
A Semi-Trailer Truck and Pick-up
Another man came up to me and asked, “Can you use a big Ford truck and semi-trailer on this ranch?” (Jerry King and I had discussed earlier the necessity of one, but had just dismissed it as something we would pray about). I answered, “Sure, we need just such a truck to haul concreate blocks, etc. for the buildings.” Everyone praised the Lord. I said, “We also need a 3/4 ton pick-up truck.” Immediately a man came running down the aisle saying, “I have one, like new. Please let me give that!” He have it, and how God blessed him! Checks then began coming in to pay for the rest of the cattle. Never before have we see God so bless people who gave or even made a pledge to pay later.
In the next service, a large tractor, with ditch digging equipment, grader blade and big lift “bucket” equipment, was driven into the tent. Brother Jerry King, our tent engineer, had already shopped for this great machine and we claimed it for God as it came under the tent. The price was $7,000.00. Within a very few minutes it belonged to God!
Building Materials
The next question was – “What about building materials?” Much lumber, or blocks would be needed. We investigated about this and learned that blocks were the most economical. They were priced and the cheapest price quote was 8 cents per block. We planned and contemplated buying at that price-IF the money for them could be raised. They estimated that at least a million blocks would be needed, as soon as they could arrange to get them. To show how miraculously God undertook in this instance, a Brother Wooten from Colorado was attending the meeting, who was a builder and a masonry man. He suggested the possibility of making our own blocks at a much cheaper price. He knew a machine which might be available. A phone call was made to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a man had a machine valued at $50,000.00 which he had not used for some time. He said it was like giving it away, but he would take $4,000.00 for it. God spoke to me and said “Son if another can make a block for 8 cents and MAKE money, you can make that block and save money, because you can do what anyone else can do and even better, with my help.” He spoke (I heard Him) further and said, “I have already washed the sand and the gravel for this purpose and deposited it where you will need it.” (Later a sand and gravel pit was found on the adjoining property).
During the next afternoon service, God spoke to me and said, “Ask four (4) people here to bring you $1,000.00 each and they will do it, to pay for the block machine.” I obeyed God and in just a few minutes, four men came down the aisle each with a check. All the above is just the beginning!
Expansion at Miracle Valley
A week later an option was secured on an adjoining ranch and it added another two square miles to the present land site. As this goes to press, just two weeks after it all started, we are still amazed at all God is doing! As you read this article, volunteer workers from all over America and Canada are at work in Miracle Valley. They are working for their board and keep and bare necessities, to see God’s work go on. They are doing this because God called them to give of themselves in dedication –
“Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service,” (Romans 12:1)
Just weeks into this incredible miracle of how Miracle Valley began, there was also a progress report in that same magazine…

Progress Report from Miracle Valley
This is a last-minute report that came in from Harvey Rainwater, one of the volunteer workers who has been giving his time to the MIRACLE VALLEY Project since the Phoenix Revival closed. – Editor
UNDER the leadership of Bro. Gerald King, we are progressing rapidly both Spiritually and Materially here at Miracle Valley Training Center.
The first day we arrived, we all know that this was Holy ground and that God was truly here.
God has been doing the miraculous on the grounds already. Several have had visions and God has manifested His Presence many times right in the dining room of the ranch house. We were all moved the night God displayed His Glory in the sky over the ranch house with a deep red glow that lasted for about two hours. We just stood there and gave Him Praise for its beauty. Some said it was the Northern Lights, but we knew that it was the Glory of God. (Editor’s Note: “What, Northern Lights in Southern Arizona?”)
Our lives are growing much deeper in God as we read from His Word before breakfast and the evening meal. We have a prayer service after breakfast and each evening and God has spoken to us many times in Prophecy. Outsiders have come here and received a definite touch from God, for which we give all the glory to Jesus.
We are pleased with the progress on the well. At the present time the well is down 250 feet. Shallow water has been reached, but we are going down at least 400 feet more, until we strike an artesian vein. [Modern note: the reference is to what became the famous well A. A. Allen got a word from God about.]
The Block Plant, that will be making the cement blocks, is being set in order. The forms will soon be set. It will not be long before things will be going full speed and the buildings will be going up.
Preparation on the building program has started as the land is being graded. It will take further grading before we lay the foundations, but things are moving right along.
As you read this article, you, too, can have a part. It will take many dormitories, class rooms, administration buildings and the like to house [those] which even now are waiting to enter.
PRAY! There are yet many obstacles to be over come! The army of God moves forward on its knees!
GIVE! Your offering will help buy cement or lumber, doors and windows, or will help feed those who are giving their time for free.
COME! Possibly you can give your talents for a month or so to make the MIRACLE VALLEY venture of faith possible. Write for application.
SEND! Possibly you have something in your shop, home or business which you would like to donate. Anything that would be needed in a home can be used in this Center.

Miracle Valley became known as the ‘Revival Capital of the World’ in the years that followed, as tens of thousands would regularly flood to be equiped and touched by God.

Over the decades after Allen’s death, the property came into disrepair and right NOW, we find it at a crossroads where it’s time to acquire it for Kingdom work once again!
You can partner with Miracle Valley Oasis Center with a tax deductible seed today. Let’s make history. Let’s build together.