Before you let go of any of your hard-earned money which God has called you to steward, there are a few key questions you must ask yourself to ensure your funds will be used appropriately and as you expect.

1. Are donations being requested from a fully credible nonprofit organization in good standing?

If anyone asks for money on behalf of an organization, they should be able to prove that they are a legitimate organization which is in good standing with the government. Don’t be afraid to ask for their EIN number and look them up on the Arizona Corporation Commission to see if they are legitimately operating and in good standing with the State.

You can view the footer of our website to see we not only have a good standing certificate from Arizona Corporation Commission, we are also externally verified as fully compliant with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) under section 508(c)(1)(a).

If anyone asks you to give towards a venture which is for a ministry or cause, they should never ask you to send money to them directly. It should always go directly to the organization.

Protect your funds from anyone who doesn’t have satisfactory answers.

2. Is it clear how your funds will be used once donated?

In America, there are different types of funds which a nonprofit organization can set up for partners to contribute towards.

The “unrestricted” fund is for general donations which have no restrictions on how they may be used and is up to the discretion of the leaders of the organization.

Donations can be also be given with restrictions. In these cases, an organization sets up a specific “conditional contribution fund”. When you donate to one of these funds, the organization must meet the conditions agreed upon before they may use the funds to only fulfill the agreed upon goal.

3. Has the organization promised to follow the law and return your funds if they cannot meet the conditions those funds are intended for?

In the case of Miracle Valley Oasis Center asking for funds towards the purchase of the Miracle Valley Bible College and then to restore the property, these funds are kept in a secure fund which will only be accessible for this sole purpose. If we were unable to purchase the property, we would be legally obligated to return donations (less fees) given for this conditional fund, because the goal would not have been met.

Be wary of any organization which asks for donations for a particular purpose and does not clearly indicate their understanding that funds must be refunded if not used for the purpose. You have a right and responsibility to ask questions about the conditions around any donations you consider contributing.

4. Does the organization align with your beliefs and values?

Before you donate to an organization, ask yourself what the organization stands for and if that is something that you can get behind. Donations are a type of partnership and we have a responsibility to God for where we sow our seed.

You can learn about our team, view our vision and more to understand if we stand for something you can partner with.

5. Does the organization have a financially sound plan which will allow your seed to bear much fruit?

A. A. Allen used to say, “God’s business, is still business”. As we serve God, we must be mindful stewards that the plans we carry out for Him are not simply inspiring, but have the breath of God on them and are practically sustainable so that our work for Him may bear much fruit season after season.

It’s not good enough for an organization to inspire you with great ideas. They must be able to show you a thorough business plan (like ours here), which has had the input of a variety of skilled professionals who will be able to help implement it. The plan should have realistic financial estimations and clear targets of when those goals will aim to be achieved by a team of people. Be wary of any organization who don’t have these in place, or can’t show you the team in place they’ll be working with.


We welcome you to ask questions if you are considering supporting our vision and we encourage you to do the same of any organization which requests donations from you. We each are charged by God to be stewards of the finances He bestows to us.

Any legitimate organization should welcome this scrutiny and provide the information readily without the need of requesting it.

Miracle Valley Oasis Center